At some point in our life, we have to deal with moving in and moving out. The search for the right offer or the right service in the real estate sector is very time-consuming.
The Vienna Real Estate Fair gives you an overview of what offers and services are available in the real estate area in the Vienna metropolitan area.
With more space for advice-intensive topics such as financing and legal aspects & exclusive live expert-talks, unlimited exchange is made possible.
You can find all further information here.
The green city quarters
Living and working in the Viertel Zwei
The Viertel Zwei has an unusual location. Directly at Vienna’s largest park, the Prater, while at the same time offering perfect traffic connections with its own subway station, Krieau. This is how you manage to live and work in the Viertel Zwei in a green environment in 1020 Vienna – and still reach Stephansplatz at the heart of Vienna in just a view minutes.