On April 10th, fitness enthusiasts men and women will meet at Messe Wien to measure themselves at HYROX and to push themselves to their limits. HYROX is the first competitive sport in the industry in which absolutely everyone can participate. The innovative mixture of 8 x 1km running and eight different workouts is the ideal combination for a medically balanced load with intensive full-body exercise at the same time.

HYROX is a global series of major events with currently up to 3,000 participants. Qualified jurors and precise time tracking using a participant chip, guarantee the professional implementation of every competition. HYROX not only includes various age groups, but also offers different categories from single to double to pro, in which everyone can classify according to their individual strength and endurance.

You can find all further information here.

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The green city quarters
Living and working in the Viertel Zwei

The Viertel Zwei has an unusual location. Directly at Vienna’s largest park, the Prater, while at the same time offering perfect traffic connections with its own subway station, Krieau. This is how you manage to live and work in the Viertel Zwei in a green environment in 1020 Vienna – and still reach Stephansplatz at the heart of Vienna in just a view minutes.